Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Common sense has died in America

I do not care if you like this blog, is for my personal use not to please the world.

I read others blogs and enjoy them.

I DO NOT try to tell them they are wrong nor do I preach to them.

I believe most bloggers write as a journal also.


I have unfollowed so many lately because I can't take the negativity about our country.

Historically we have had horrible Presidents but I can not remember any 
being trashed daily over every word and having their lives threatened such as is happening now.

Good, bad or indifferent Trump is America's President.

{Geeze Nixon didn't get this much hatred and he was impeached and resigned.}
Respect our President, respect our flag, respect America!
I have disliked some of our Presidents but I kept it to myself and didn't act like a fool.
The protests are ridiculous, period.
I will not watch football anymore or any sport or show that disrespects the USA.

What the hell has happened to common sense and patriotism anyhow?

If you don't like my opinion please unfollow me, don't bother commenting.


  1. Thank you!!! I am in total agreement!!! Couldn't have said it better myself. What the hell has happened...indeed!

  2. My husband is super upset at what's going on right now. That's all he talks about. It's causing riff between co-workers too. The world has gone plain nuts. We fly a flag on our home, along with military.

    1. Kristina, It is crazy how people are acting "plump loco".

  3. Sorry Kristina I think it should have been plum? See I'm going crazy too!

  4. I certainly agree with you that common sense has gone out the window. Along with basic values. Nothing will be "better" until we as individuals stop bashing those we disagree with and concentrate on being the best individuals we possibly can. Giving out negative vibrations about any one or any thing only causes negativity to grow and flourish in our own body. (Anybody remember the golden rule? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Not a bad way to live.) I personally feel demonstrations and marches don't do one diddly-squat bit of good. They merely incite mob mentality and violence. Again, back to becoming the best person you can without impinging on others. Take back your self-responsibility, stop relying on others to "take care of you." No, our country is not perfect, but we still have the ability to make our own choices. Most of them involve self-discipline and plain, old hard work. Wouldn't things be much different if we all got our own houses in order (in all aspects of life) before blaming others?

    I will now push my soap box back under the bed. (Boy, is it dusty under there.)

    1. MamaPea you get on that soapbox as much as you wish too. You speaketh the trutheth!
