Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fun Times

Since me and LN will be out of town this weekend with a 4-h event and the last half of next week for the National MIWW contest we started prepping. LN cleaned her steer pen.
It was cold enough to see your breath but we both removed clothes as we hauled manure and listened to 70's rock.
I closed the sheep pen wall with its tin and clear panels to keep out the drafts and bedded and set up the lambing jugs.
I did remove the snake skin hanging by the window so LN didn't yell every time she went in there. LoL 
It's always fun times with my kid. We even changed out 3 light bulbs that were 12 ft in the air by her steers. LN stood on a tall feed barrel and stretched her long body to reach them. It was an enlightening experience. Illumination will help as we move through the rest of winter. There is more to do but we made a start getting ready.


  1. Such a great relationship you have with LN. Hope it continues throughout both of your lives!

  2. Chores like that are always more fun with help! :)

    1. It seems that way Candy C although if it's my responsibility only I prefer to work alone it gives me time to ponder things.
