LN stepped onto the varsity field last night in soccer.
It's been a struggle to say the least.
She attends the best public school in girls soccer in our state.
They are stacked deep in seniors and juniors with talent.
Basically they don't need her yet as a sophmore.
At any other public school in the state she would have been a starter as a freshman.
Nope that's not a Momma bragging just the facts backed up by lots of others comments also.
Next year the team will be rebuilding as 8 or 9 starters are seniors.
Coach must be scouting his replacements.
She was lucky to be called up 3 games ago but wasn't used till last night.
She played JV for one game since it was played after varsity and he didn't use her.
Another game was varsity only and tough so he kept her on bench.
Last night she played half of JV and last 20 mins of varsity.
He used her as a defensive middy which impressed her and myself.
She's on cloud 9.
Good job kiddo.
Horrible pictures I know.
Bad Mom!
I do not have any clear pictures because of dark with stadium lighting.
Guess I need to regroup on how to take pictures under those circumstances.
Otherwise in a JV game day before I had to laugh at my brute.
This girl was not happy with LN stealing her thunder .
So she jumped in the middle of LN's Koolaid as they say.
LN still cleared the ball so no harm even with the foul in her chest.
That could explain the mysterious need to double team her after that.
LN scored the only goal for a tie 1-1.
This charter school on paper was showing better than our high school team.
It was a good game , very physical to say the least.
Oh well....
Sorry but not sorry about posting so much soccer news.
It's my life right now.
3 games this week and 3 next week with a tournament next weekend.
Abruptly done after that expect for school playoffs which is still nerve racking.
Still trying to break lambs, walk pigs and break steer calf for next year.
R was helpful and as usual the cows all helped by gathering around to "protect" him from us.
The mini excavator pulled in the driveway at 8 am Saturday.
The huge quince bush and a rose of sharon were 1st.
Up and out!
Under the huge pine is where they were.
Dog wood stump in right foreground, lilac area to left foreground.
Doesn't it open up the yard?
I'm not sure I like it but it's done.
He even picked up the mess and hauled it to the field burn pile.
That made me happy.
He took the lilac and butterfly bushes also but no pictures.
The lilac was the hardest to pull up.
The mildew was already starting on it and it was in the driveway customers use .
The dogwood made me sad but it was rotten to the core.
We already took half down last fall.
He just knocked it over.
It was filled with bugs and worms.
A foot piece of the stump on one side was only solid part left.
Now to plant grass or flowers in the carnage left behind.