Third pair done, completed, finite... #1 DPN’s
Still not tight by any stretch but will stay up.
Comfy yarn... Bad nighttime pictures... Neat ribbings ....
Wool yarn rules...
LN is home on spring break.
She came home 5 days after being diagnosed on the first day of break.
She wanted to remain at college and try to work through the excessive fatique during that last week.
She missed classes and slept in her dorm room mostly.
Her friends brought food and delivered her homework and helped with notes.
Her professors were very understanding and considerate.
She is week 2 into her Mono recovery of 6-8 weeks.
The joys of college life!
My healthy kid in the country has came down with everything imaginable these last 7 months.
She slept 16 hours straight the first night home.
That seemed to give her a boost.
She rallied to go choose some market lambs for this year tonight.
She hopes to go spring shopping before returning to campus Sunday.
A girl has to have priorities.