This past weekend was the Homecoming/Parents weekend at LN's college.
She had her science poster that culminated all her summer internship work.
Let's just say I am a proud Mama Bear.
She knows her stuff and is confident in talking to professors and the crowd explaining her results.
The person she was partnered with rode her coattails through the whole project.
Not my assessment but the other dozen people working in the same lab on other projects.
Now she has a dilemma.
The professor would like her to continue however if she does the other person will also.
He knows she will carry him again.
She does not want that again.
This research has the ability to have her published by next year.
So..... what to do???
She can't say anything to the professor or she seems petty and not a "team" player.
But if she bows out she loses so much in recognition she is due.
The professor she worked with in Arizona immediately figured it out but he doesn't control it.
Too many real world decisions for a girl trying to expand her mind.