Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oh My Triplets x 2

Triplets x 2! LN 's nannies delivered triplets yesterday. Both moms seem to be handling it fine. Plenty of milk so letting them go, I'll step in if moms look stressed. 2 more to go and 5 ewes. Cows due in spring. Gotta check on everyone soon and shut up ewes i case they deliver tonight. LN is gone to sleep over so Mom on Duty!


  1. Yay! A new blog to follow...and one that has BOER goats on it! Something we've been trying to get into so would LOVE to hear anything about them. Specifically, what do you cross your Boer with? We've been thinking about crossing one of our really large purebred Saanen does with a Boer buck.

    Carolyn @ Krazo Acres

  2. Most of our Nannies are Nubian/Boer crosses, although I have 1 purebred Boer which is white horned nannie in the picture. I'm new to this so bear with me.

  3. You are doing great, Love the pictures! Goats are on my "Some Day List"! Kid's are so cute and funny! They seem to have so much energy and seem to get on top of everything!

  4. Tom yes kids climb everywhere. I don't actually like grown goats as much as other species we raise but kids are hilarious. I have an 8 yr old doe that my daughter has owned since a day old she definently is my favorite and gets spoiled.
