Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Agate, our Shorthorn heifer due to calve in March. Dubbed Aggie for short! Won Bred and Owned at our State Fair last year, My daughter R was happy.

Festus, he deserves a post of his own some day! He babysits every calf born here wether the Cow appreciates it or not!

Duece the mama cow of my SIL S2 and Ace the feeder calf hopefully for LN this year.

Diamond- she began it all . My son Z bought her as a calf about 8 years ago. She is mom to Aggie and Gemstone from yesterdays post. Yes they are full blooded sisters 1 year apart.

The present the farmers across from me left yesterday. I'm standing in my driveway, yep its a heaping pile of chicken manure. I don't care normally only on the day they spread it in the spring. Then I have to close windows and NOT hang out laundry! I love agriculture in general since our family is in it to oue eyeballs. But...Stinky Gift!

The reason I'm alive! To wash and hang laundry !

The chickens outside run (when they are not allowed free run) under the Pecan tree. Mostly Rhode Islands with a few Barred Rocks and 1 other I don't know what! She lays so it's all good.

Inside pen in the old equipment shed , wire walls on 3 sides open year round only north wall closed but they thrive even in deepest snow. South side has good overhang of mayb 6 ft so not much ever blows in anyhow. Water is outside picture for winter we use trough that we can break ice out of daily. In summer a 5 gallon waterer sits on the cement block w hay string tyed to top so they wont jump up and roost on it, fouling their water ;[ Left side in picture is smaller pen we put chicks in when we start new layers or broilers we raise for freezer. We use our eggs and sell rest to our feed store customers.

The queen, Puss-Puss or Moo depends on who calls her. She answers to Puss Puss and comes when LN calls her. Mainly nighttime  house cat but goes in and out since I fixed her during day.

Filling in some more blanks about how I live here in Delaware on our small farm.


  1. Your animals look happy! And Puss Puss is beautiful, as is the floor she is sitting on!

  2. old linoleum that never comes clean but thanks Carolyn. as long as I feed animals they are happy! which humans were so easily pleased!
