Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Another Tuesday

What else is there to say on another Tuesday?
I'm still working out and have changed my food choices.
That doesn't interest me but I am trying.
There's something about dry chicken breast I do not like based on texture mostly.
I am sticking though.
S went to Vegas to visit with his oldest son for a week.
His son is roping in the National Team Roping going on simultaneously in Vegas
with National Finals Rodeo about 1/2 hr apart in the city.
Both events are filling the city of sin up with cowboys.
With S away I am home bound and have to work with my trainer at night.
I must be part bear because dark winter nights are for hibernating.
Regardless I am going after I close the store.
I leave LN list of chores and supper and I'm off.
I haven't reach "good feelings" others warn me of when they exercise but I'm hopeful.
I think the whole time of what else I need to do and how much time is left.
That's why Yoga never worked for me.
I could never shut my mind off to "relax".
I still have Christmas decorations to put up but I'm stalled  at 50%.
I did get to porch lights and barn wreath so I think that's enough, don't you?
I have given away things I have sorted and don't use anymore.
I'll go through the rest and purge at least.
The tree and window candles are pretty at night so that helps my mood.
Come on Wednesday (I have a rest day with trainer) lol.
I just want metabolism.
Is that too much to ask for?
Hello Santa ...???


  1. I could NEVER get motivated enough to actually ENJOY working out or exercising. There are a billion other things I could be doing!!

    1. I agree but I don't have metabolism and refuse to take any drugs to combat high blood pressure or diabeties both of which I inheirited traits. I have held them off so far and am trying to continue to hold them off.

  2. Good luck! I couldn't do Yoga AT ALL - all that trying to relax stressed me out LOL.

    1. Erin yoga is just weird. I tried for a few months but didn't feel better, more flexible or more relaxed. Too many thoughts to conquer.

  3. Exercise is a four-letter-word in my book, the best I can do is walk with hubby a couple of days a week. I admire your perseverance! :)
    Our neighbors were in the National Team Roping too!

  4. Small world isn't it? My stepson ended up in the consolation round and finished 4th there. Not bad finish I guess.
