Friday, March 1, 2013

Ok ish ?

Calf delivered easily enough. Been 5 hrs still wobbly and hasn't nursed that I be seen :/ tried to force him to nurse and tried bottle but he fought so hard I couldn't get results. I called vet and she said back off and wait up to 12 hrs is still fine. I don't wait well when I have a lot going on today and evening. I have to have faith and cross it off my list but... Calf is a bull and I ll post pictures after I'm sure of progress. He's sleeping by his mom who is licking him to death and so... I have chili made, and food stuff in truck for tonight's fundraiser. Lena's cake for sat has been prepped and issues fixed- another story, another time :/ tablecloth choices ironed and dishes gathered up. Laundry washed from birthing lets just say yuck ,smelly ,nasty and let it go . I will update as I have time but please, please, please HELP ME :-| send thoughts, prayers and CAFFEINE .


  1. Oh I hope your little calf will be okay! I'll be praying for him!

    1. I updated he's fine and dandy. Thanks for thoughts.

  2. Glad to read in the update that he's doing well! :)
