Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fair & Stuffins 2013

LN is having a summer to remember.
Her soccer trip to Spain with a daytrip into France went awesome in her words.
She saw (seesaw lol) sights she'll never forget and experienced loads.
She came back late Monday night with no luggage.
It seems when she transferred from the international flight in Georgia to the domestic one bringing her to Philly they were 2 hours late arriving leaving her less than 1 hour to make it to next leg.
LN didn't have time to collect her luggage and go through customs making her next flight.
She was traveling as an unaccompanied minor so was told just get on your next flight and we'll send your luggage.
It arrived Fed-Ex 3 days later.
Luckily she had a few shorts and such she left home so she was "covered" so to speak.
She moved right to being a 4-H day camp counselor the next morning at 9 am.
The next week fair entries were due and then fair began.
One tired but happy kid made it through.
She won her lamb showmanship class and made the auction with one of her lambs.
She "bonded" with her BIL S2 while R made last second touchups on her steer.
She successfully showed her steer with none of last years issues.
He finished 3 out 4 but I knew that going in.
Recovering her confidence controlling him was the main objective.
Mission accomplished.
She showed her feeder.
He placed dead last.
Tat was a surprise but someone has to "anchor" each class, right?

She improved in hog showmanship class but sadly didn't place high enough to make the auction.

She won her goat showmanship class.
Placed 3rd with her goat but only top 2 made auction so that stunk.
As of right now all market animals were sold privately and are delivered except 1 hog which goes wed to butcher.
Her gilt is being bred and she gets 1st pick of the litter.
All her projects are home from the 4-H building and mostly put away.
She did well and was pleased overall.
Another state fair in the books.
Now to get ready for 2nd week of day camp counseling, school and field hockey tryouts as well as travel soccer practices and a tournament in the end of August.
Wow I feel so relaxed as summer winds down.


  1. How does your girl DO all of that?! Well, I'm sure she gets help from Momma, right?

    I'm exhausted just reading what you guys did.

    1. Slow and Steady , Carolyn is how it goes. We print up a general calendar telling us each days events and take them 1 (sometimes 2) at a time. LN does her best and sometimes it pays off. Next year it will only be 3 species instead of 4, woohoo.
