Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Grind

Lots has been going on but I'm lazy about posting.
Here goes...
Pig walking, sometimes at dark or after...
Excessive pig feeding combinations as one is heavy and one is lighter to the tune of needs 75# gain in 3 wks... You do the math  .... Sighhhhh
LN went to 4-H camp this week.
She reading one of her AP Composition
books she needs to read over summer.
We were an hour early waiting on her camp bus so she got busy.
We unloaded a couple ton of shavings in 100* heat before she left .
Teamwork gets it done!
Started a lot of her fair entries.
This is a sock giraffe.
Nothing normal about my kid :)
The quilt is still waiting to be quilted in the background of previous picture.
It's so big I admit I am scared !
We cleaned up storm damage from a tree snapping off.
It was wild cherry so I had to clean as many leaves as I could up since it's poisonous in the wilt stage.
This meant everyone was locked away from burn pile for awhile till all leaves are dead.
This meant I had to start feeding square bales to cows that are nasty ,wet ,messy stuff.
That meant I uncovered a giant snake and screamed like a girl.
Yea I did , I admit it!
I saw the Air Force base flying maneuvers while I hung up laundry this morning.
It always gives me chills.

We trimmed cows feet.
I didn't but I caught and drug them all to him and abused them to go in his chute.
We also bred 2 cows but no pictures for obvious reasons .
Apparently my phone got jacked when I ran inside office supply store and my kiddo R took advantage of my phone being left behind.
Ain't she pretty?
LN gets more pics but R and Z are just as loved.
This was my morning view a few days.
Gotta wash and blow him out frequently to keep his hair in good shape.

And that's all for now .
 I am writing this on my phone sitting behind the barn waiting on all critters to finish eating do they can be untied and let out for the night.
The bugs are crawling on me.
I smell.
I'm going to take my 2nd shower of the day.

Night Ya'll


  1. You do have a lot to keep you busy, don't you? I know what you mean about 2 shower days. We are doing a lot of raspberry picking, and it's not fun in high heat and humidity. Not to mention the bugs.

    1. I do NOT like summer Kristina. I like tomatoes and most garden veg and fruit but not the heat and humidity that accompanies them.
