Monday, July 28, 2014


I'm sitting at a summer field hockey game. We re early LN is 1st to show up. She s getting back in the groove after fair.
We sent animals home with S Saturday night about 1:30 am.
LN and I got up at 7:00am Sunday to retrieve 4-H entries, put her wether on the truck to the butcher and receive her check for that, retrieved her children's open entries, ate our traditional last morning breakfast at the moose booth (the only food vendor open on bug out day) and finally packed camper and hauled it home around noon. We emptied dirty clothes,  food, and entries. I took a shower and a nap. A 6 hr nap. I got up, ate then crashed for 13 hrs. I was beat. Today we finished camper and trailer. Put all the tack away and got animals back where everybody belonged. We bought a new ewe lamb home so we got her integrated and settled. I have a drawer to clean out I'm the camper I forgot with paperwork I'm it then work on pile of entries in the dining room to disperse. Paperwork for rate of gain and offices she running for jr council and state teen council need filled out. Record books need worked on and summer ap reading completed. Ahhhh summertime so relaxing!