Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I've had things spread all over the house that belongs in my sewing room. The room I use was the older kids bedroom in the basement. Now that I've taken it back for sewing I've been running across obscure piles of items to relocate. I went in there this morning with some things and it stinks. Reeks, smells, repulsive, disgusting, nose cringing, nasty stinks! I don't have any mousetraps set down there but there is one dead somewhere. Yuck I hate finding a smelly dead decayed carcuss. I threw LN's cat in there but she came back empty handed. Little traitor! I keep her out of there because she doesn't shut the door behind her and I don't want to heat the unheated part of the basement. Anyone want to come help me? Anyone? Please!!!


  1. Sorry I can't offer a "solution" to your problem but I sure can relate. Once (in a previous life and home) we had a mouse (or maybe 10 of 'em 'cause that's what it smelled like) kick the bucket in a heating duct of our old, old house. I think it took a few weeks before the odor went away. And it sure is an odor you don't forget once you smell it.

    Is there anyway you can find where the dead carcass is? Or do you think it might be in a wall . . . or heating duct? Eeuuuuuww! You have my sympathies, m'dear.

  2. I will do a tear apart as soon as I can. I'm swapped right now w LN's activities.
