Monday, February 1, 2016

Back in DE

LN and I returned home about 8:00pm last night. We both were in bed by 9:00pm. About 11:30 S yelled at me to go take care of new set of twins. (He won't do anything with animals unless I'm away and then only minimum, don't ask )
A ewe I thought would go on the 15th gave a big ram and ewe. 

At midnight all up and nursing while I cleaned pen that was saturated from being away. Don't ask again.

9:30 this morning tucked in warm, sleepy, safe and sound with Mama.
I think I have 2 ewes left. One is worrying me because she's huge and struggling with mobility. She was 1st timer last year and deliver a 19# lamb. Fingers crossed this time.
 The other ewe is 1st timer and I don't have a date on her so checking frequently.
The nasty, dirty aftermath of the blizzard.

Hard to see but the barrels are standing in 4" of water from melt off. I feed from these barrels.

A quagmire of mud for the lambs and ewes yo slough through. It'll dry eventually.
Off to take my MIL to doctors appt.


  1. That's the problem with getting a heavy snowfall in your "warmer" climates . . . it melts too fast and makes lots of mud and yuck. Now if you lived up here where our snow melts slowly and isn't gone until May . . . or June . . . or sometimes July . . . ;o]
