Sunday, June 19, 2016

At least somebody...

likes gluten free cupcakes.

LN made a box mix we had. Originally we used the other boxes for a 4-h meeting treat. We have several girls with celiacs/gluten issues. 
I didn't care for them nor LN. Off to the chicken pen where they were appreciated.

Today was a day to celebrate this man. He hung my moon. I am a lucky girl to have him as a dad.

She leaves for week away at 4-h camp tomorrow. Her cat will miss her I'm sure. I will pick her up on Saturday at noon then Sunday morning at 7:00 am we are both off to New York for the 4-h exchange trip. She's trying to cram projects into a very short time. Animals are getting walked and broke as much as possible. Fair exhibits are beginning to gather although not enough .
It will be what it is.


  1. I got a chuckle out of your cupcake offering for the chickens. Yep, very little food gets wasted around here either. If I have leftovers that get a little aged in the refridge, to the hens they go. A new recipe that doesn't float our boat? To the chickens. Recycling we call it.

    My oh my, your dad is a very handsome guy!

    The schedule you and LN keep would run me into the ground. I'm glad you get to go with her for a little get-a-way time.

    1. I recycle food as well. When she's off to college the schedule will ease I'm sure.
