Saturday, June 3, 2017


Miss LN graduated this morning.
The keynote speaker was Governor Carney.
LN has met him several times through 4-H events.
Still an impressive visitor.

LN hugging the principal.
She been so nice writing great recommendation letters.
She's a former 4-H member and is now a 4-H leader.

The Governor doing pushups to impress a few football players.
They challenged him in the fall and he turned them down.
Today he made good...

A WWII veteran who missed his graduation because he was flying overseas to join the war
was given his diploma today.
He's 94 yrs old.
So impressive and tear-jerking...
Two students who passed away were given diplomas posthumously as well. 
So sad but so poignant.

Z came, actually smiled and hugged his sister.
A rare treat!
R was left out so...

She jumped in and his girlfriend R2 piled in on the other side.
It's a Z pileon!

All three of my children in one place and happy.
I love them.

Me and LN losing it trying to take a decent picture.
I dressed for sunny and 80*.
It was never above 75*, cloudy and windy.
Felt good to women of a certain age ;}

My pretty graduate.
On to bigger and better things.


  1. A special day and such great pictures! Had never seen a yellow graduation gown before. So pretty!

    1. Blue and Gold are the school colors so girls wear gold boys wear blue. Honor cords for honor society are opposites of gown colors.

  2. Oh, the joy of seeing those smiles. I would have dressed for the weather too.

    1. Best graduation weather yet. Kristina good luck with yours!

    2. Hope your scholarship hunt is going well! LN has paid for her first year so I'm happy.

  3. Congratulations to all of you - what a wonderful and lovely family!

  4. congratulation to everyone. thanks for sharing this good news\
