Friday, November 17, 2017

I guess I am lucky?

It seems to me I must be lucky.
I rarely get sick.
I avoid doctors also.
I give blood where they send me reports on BP and Blood Sugars so I am aware of those factors.
I check for lumps and bumps regular.
I also am very aware of whats "normal" pertaining to my body.
Surprisingly a lot of people are not familiar with their own bodies and are surprised by things .
I eat as much unprocessed food as I can.
Meat from livestock I grow, veggies from my garden, fruit either I grow or local orchard.
I do not eat "organic" because as someone who lives the ag life I know its not true.
I guess I am lucky.
I also am not a hypochondriac and that helps.
I do worry that with modern society either all organic or all processed people go to extremes.
Living around animals, manure and outside influences without living in an airtight house helps also. 
People I know that live in development homes that are airtight and eat "wholesome organic food"
seem to get sick a lot.
No immunities to nature?
Just my Friday musings.
If you only knew a bit of what rolls around in my noggin you would be scared.


  1. Clean, outdoor air and EXERCISE using as many muscles as possible, having an upbeat and optimistic attitude and in general living a "natural" life is invaluable to health and well-being. (Just my opinion, of course!) Unfortunately, much of the food that is labeled "organic" is simply not so. The best food you can put in your body is that raised on your own land, rather than that shipped from some area thousands of miles away. Fresh, or processed under conditions known to you is good, too. Don't mean to be preach-y, but those are thoughts rolling around in my noggin, too.

    P.S. Keep those "scary" (not) thoughts rolling around in your cranium. Our brains need exercise, too! ;o)

  2. I just got some outdoor work done. Even though Hubby said, "go back to bed and rest."

  3. Your blog is very nice,Thanks for sharing good blog.

