I broke down and sprayed weeds this morning.
Two tank fulls in the backpack sprayer.
I have held out as long as possible however I am only one person.
If I had help but that's another story in itself.
If I had help but that's another story in itself.
The constant rain, no cattle, no hogs, only sheep combine for a lot of open fields and gobs of weeds.
Thistles, inkberries, ragweeds, wild cheeries are popping everywhere.
I broke down.
Yep it's poison but they will be thinned down.
Come fall I'll have plenty of breed sheep to eat it down but not now with show string.
They are confined to keep their fleeces in show condition.
The older ewes are sparse as we rebuild from crossbreds to pure with one out for breeding also.
Off to NC...
Hope I see brown dead stuff when I return although this kind seems to
take a week to show when my son sprays it.