Monday, March 10, 2025

Some things...

have been accomplished in the last few weeks/months.

Miss A competed in her first cooking contest in 4-H.

She baked Double Chocolate Sourdough Muffins and entered them in the Beginner Bread.

She (2nd from left) won her division and received a small chopper for her prize.

I may have absconded with it ;)

In other news we took down more pines trees.
Two had bark off and dry, open gashes in them. Not rotten yet but headed there.

When Z dropped the top half he swayed with the trunk and I have may have had a mild stroke.
He never flinched.

Burnt 4 (some dropped last fall)  trees except large wet trunk pieces.

It may have been too windy and a spark may have singed off some of my hair, maybe.

My 2025 lambing season is finished.
I lost a ewe to severe prolapse with uterus bursting a month before due date.
Of the rest all went well.

Nice top line.

Last ewe finished the way God intended.
Outside, overnight, dried off and nursed lambs found in the early morning check.

The whites are so easy, just drop, clean and go on with it.

Two sets of triplets this year. 
Both sets are natural colored.
All doing well.
Extra bottles refused but always offered.

Snack time for Mama and ewe lamb.

Proper attire for early morning checks!



  1. So good to see a post from you and know you're back raising your own animals. I've lost track or missed something. Are you living with/near your son and family, or do you have a place of your own again? How is your daughter L and what's she doing now? Little Miss A is so big. Time truly does go by so quickly! Hugs to you. Think of you every time I look at my little shell "turtle" you made for me on the shelf over my cutting table in my quilt room.

  2. Oops, for got to change from "Anonymous" in my above comment. (Old age setting in? Yeah, that must be it.)
