Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Soccer Camp

Anyone regularly reading this blog probably is sick of hearing about LN and soccer...
If you are STOP reading now!
LN and her friend went to the Naval Academy Soccer Camp in Annapolis MD last Fri. to today.
Really upset to leave their parents too ;]
Course it was and has been 100* whole time they were there so their enthusiasm
waned but LN was still stoked about camp just not heat ;/
They stayed in the dorms where the mid-shipmen stay. Each room had 2 or 3 bunks.
LN is on her bed which is over 5 ft in the air.
She loved it cause it was air-conditioned, a treat since we don't here at home.
They were told not to open windows or mess with anything as it had to be returned to the new class coming in. The rooms were nice and LN got to see the new recruits marching and racing to classes from her floor to ceiling wall of windows.
LN and friend are headed to the 1st session of camp. Picture stinks but I was in movement back to vehicle and they wouldn't pose in the dark stairwell anyway.
Now the washer is running with her incredibly smelly clothes so she can repack for Fridays camp at Towson University in field hockey.
After that fair starts and we are no where near prepared.
LN said, "please let me recuperate today and I'll start more projects tomorrow".
What can I say?
She's still waiting on team she tried out for to let her know if she made it so she can give her old team an answer about returning or leaving. The deadline to signup looms too large.

1 comment:

  1. What a lot of great experiences LN is getting this summer. If only there was more time (don't we all wish!) to enjoy everything!
