Friday, May 3, 2013


Lots of stuffings got accomplished since LN and I made it home by 6 pm tonight and
light was still available.
She decided to walk her lambs and goats for the official 1st time.
They have been handled and moved within the barn but not walked any distance.
The 2 goats, Dorothy and Noodles weren't horrible.
They just screamed and gagged like they were dying.

Lambs welllllll.....
another story as these pictures translate.

I kept laughing the whole time.
LN stayed with it and they were walked to the garden and back.
Hopefully they will get with the program since her 1st livestock show is in 2 weeks.
Hogs were their awesome selves.
They made 2 trips with minimal issues.
Meet Obama, Michele and Muhammed!
Don't ask and I won't tell...

All that was left to do was arena herd but LN protested by sitiing in the driveway sulking.
So being a good Mommy I gave her my camera and walked with her as she took 83 pictures.
Some not so bad, some not so good!
Gotta start somewhere

and then she snapped me...

Scared ya?
Oh well I returned the favor and snapped a set of her brace face.

Check out those heavy duty springs she has.

Cool kid
This is big red, my truck.
I love my ride.
And some round bales just cause...
Plants waiting to be put in hopefully Sunday or Monday.
Garden tilled and waiting.

Ending with a picture for  MamaPea of our "snow".
Springtime Snow in Delaware


  1. OOO, you're really trying to piss Mama Pea off, ain't ya? :)
    I LOVE the lamb walking pictures! Who whould'a thunk that sheep would be more difficult than goats?!

    1. HEHEHE I was trying Carolyn. Sheep get with the program faster than goats and are way more enjoyable as they grow in my opinion.

  2. Lookin' good mamma!!!!
    Funny pictures of the animals! I get nervous walking my goats since I've been stepped on one too many times.
    My doe is finally in labor if you have been reading my posts for the last three months. I have been waiting impatiently for this moment well, it's here, hence the midnight thirty comment :)

    1. Kelly, good luck with your doe. We walk all our animals so they get used to being handled. It makes moving them so much easier even if we do not show them. Thanks for the compliment.

  3. That first picture of you should be on the cover of Country Woman magazine! Classy farm mama!

    Snow??! You wanna see snow? I can show you SNOW! (Touchy about the subject? Heck, no. Why do you ask!)

    1. LOL I'm sorry MamaPea but not much. lol The horse leaves me "snow" like that each spring as he sheds. Thank you for the nice compliment. I look awkward in most photos but LN did a fairly good job this time. The lilac minimized my flaws a bit.

  4. You're cute as a button Lisa! Love the dimples.
