Wednesday, August 21, 2019

That time again is it?

Hmmm... it does not seem possible in this heat.
It is time to start the breeding process.
I threw the rams and ewes together in the beginning of August.
So far there is marking harness color on 2 ewes in the pen of 4 Lincoln Longwools.
Nothing in the Border Leicester pen yet.
The 1st Lincoln marked would been Jan 4th lambs if successful.
Cheerio the ewe is still being showed through the fall but will stay with her "baby Daddy" between shows to double check the success.
It is her 1st time being with Mike so let's hope.

This was Cheerio and LN last month at our fair.
She's antsy to show so hopefully motherhood will calm her a bit.
Some do calm down , others ram up their ants in the pants attitudes.
The heat is supposed to moderate in a few days with only 80's vs. 90"s during days.
Nights will be in high 60's which is better than high 70's also.
Breeding needs cooler weather to progress.
The fall shows begin shortly as well.
MD State Fair
Big E
Here we go.

A load of waste corn just showed up in the heat.
Guess it's time to sweat my behind of and pick out ears to process.
Oh joy!


  1. Gosh, I don't think your life is ever going to slow down. That's a good busy tho'! I bet the animals look forward to the corn too ! Have a good week! xo

    1. It keeps me going. I swear if I slow down or stop the madness my body will quit working.
      The waste corn goes to a local farmer. My "show" animals are too delicate for that rubbish. LOL they will gets the runs and we are just starting the fall shows so I don't want any extra washing of behinds to add to my life.

  2. Lambs in January? Brrrr. But I know you have to take 'em when you can get 'em!

    1. Yes Ma'am I will take them anytime. The way we show January lambs are in a different class. The classes go by birthdays. Plus lambing inside the barn the weather isn't as big of a factor as it is elsewhere or outside. Still brrr cold to go out to the barn and keep water unfroze but we deal with it.
