Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 brightens my day.

An instant friend R3 who I "met" and started working with during Covid floored me.

Turns out we sort of knew each other through our children in Elementary School.

I knew her son from my daughter talking about him and volunteering in their classroom.

She remembered me as the crazy Mom during field day tug of war screaming at her kid and mine as well as a neighbor boy to PULL .

We were the underdogs in size but I was trying to motivate those 3 as the biggest, tallest and strongest.

Physics said if they pulled and the anchor sat back hard they could win.

Guess what they did to the crowds surprise.

Maybe not in real life but it was a 5th grade triumph!! 

Ribbons and ice cream were awarded.

Anyhoo... we reconnected through work and she is the best and most creative person

even though we now work at different agencies within the State of DE 

we get together as often as possible.

R3 made me a thoughtful gift that choked me up.

I was going to take it home but I realized I only sleep there or I am outside.
It makes more sense to keep it where I can glance left and see it hanging with some of my favorite things.

It really is the small things in life that keep me going somedays.


  1. What fun ! A blast from the past. It is Kool when that happens. And such a thoughtful gift.

    1. Thank-you, I did a lot of macramé back in the day. This friend makes everything from clothes to wall hangings and plant holders. It settles her.

  2. Love the gift you received. Good to hear things are going well.

    1. I made a decision to not view my life as "why me" but to look around and see that others have it worse so be grateful for what I have. If I am "gaining" it doesn't matter how fast. If I am slipping that I regroup.

  3. Your blog is a constant source of motivation and encouragement, and I'm thankful.
