Tuesday, August 28, 2018

From the beach to the mountains

No this is not LN but her roommate J.
But that is LN's side of the college room.
Don't you just live those posters LN has up with her lights?
Other girls put tapestries like J has 

or inspirational sayings or band posters.
Not my kid, she is different in a good way I think.

I ripped my thumb nail back to the quick yesterday working sheep.
That is so tender and hurts to bump anything.
Look at my thumb wrinkles.
You can have all the plastic surgeries in the world, color your hair, get botox, etc 
but the hands never lie about age.
Look around you will see...

Yesterdays 90+ temperatures was not the nicest to work in.
I however washed sheep so I was soaked during the worst of the afternoon heat.
That translates to a hot, sticky, sheep wet wool, nasty mess.
Hopefully this weekend at MD State Fair it all pays off.
This particular ewe felt the need to climb into a cockle bur bush that yes I should have removed.
Still nasty to spend an hour de-burring her.

Sunday after taking LN to PA to college I continued to western MD to drop a ewe off for breeding.
The mountains were calling and I answered :-]
An incredibly long day but necessary and I didn't mind the scenery one bit.

Tonight I mowed and tried to again beat back Mother Nature a little.
It is a jungle around here.
I had to stop because I ran the belt of the riding mower.

Time to shower and relax.
The weeds will still be there tomorrow.


  1. Fun to see LN's dorm room, your sheep and recent scenery you went through. Not so much your thumb injury. I guess we've all done that to one extent or another, but there's no doubt it sends chills up the spine to see or hear about someone else bending back a nail. (((Shudder))) just writing about it!!

    1. Actually it only "stung" for a day or so. My nails grow quickly thankfully. The dorm room makes me smile but perplexing me also. Why can't she keep her room at home that clean?
