Thursday, March 7, 2019

A few more...

baby lambs have arrived.

A teeny , tiny pair of ewe lambs born at 11:00 pm.
I heard the Mom groaning in labor on my baby monitor.
Luckily I woke up and was able to assist the lambs.
They were so weak they didn't stand for about 12 hours by themselves.
I held them up to nurse every 2-3 hours till they were strong enough to toddle around.

Miss A "lubs" all of them.
She kissed and held each one and told their Moms "Good Job Momma".

This is a rare orange colored lamb.
This cat is a year old and spends alot of time in the lamb/sheep pens.
She is always underfoot but the sheep do not seem to mind.
This is a single Lincoln lamb she is greeting.

 The size difference is apparent here even though Lily is standing a foot in front of the 3 others.
The white border is only 15 days older than the 3 Lincolns.
She was a whopper of a lamb and is benefiting from being a single nursing lamb.
The others will catch up quick though and surpass her as their breed is inherently larger. 

Miss A takes her dolly everywhere now , even to the barn to see the lambs.

Inside the house she carries around this large resin ewe that for some reason she likes.
It's the 1st thing she collects when she comes to my house.
I am training her right ;]


  1. What a wonderful experience you are providing for little Miss A. She's a very fortunate little gal and I know you consider yourself fortunate to have her in your life. This is what family is supposed to be about!

    1. It is the most important thing in life for sure. Money comes and goes but family sticks.

  2. That must of been a long night with the lambs. What a nice Mom you are to the lambs. Your granddaughter must of been amazed, A truly great experience for her. I love her and her dolly going to the barn. Absolutely a treasure! What great joy.xo

    1. Thanks Lynne. Miss A is a character for sure. The lambs keep me going but only for a short time.
