Monday, May 18, 2020

She made me feel bad...

MamaPea commented it was nice to see me post.
This made me feel bad because I know I have been slacking MamaPea ;}`
No promises but I will try to post more regularly.
Life has been crawling along here in Delaware.
Constant complaining from every customer I have and other people I interact with.
We can't do this or that....
I have about had it listening to it.
If you don't like the rules, break them or come up with an alternative.
Stop complaining because it isn't going to solve anything.
Not one is losing their house or going hungry or lost their job that I have talked to.
People are mad because they can't shop or eat out or go to beach or vacation.
Is that what we are learning from all of this?
Maybe consider saving 6 months expenses so if this happens again your bills are covered.
Maybe lower your debt so the belt isn't pulled so tight.
Maybe learn to cook simple things that are healthier than processed take out or restaurant food.
Maybe learn to make your own coffee drinks you waste $4.00-$5.00 on each day.
Maybe learn that spending time with your family is more important than anything else.
Maybe if your kids annoy you so much and don't listen its your fault for not teaching them better.
Maybe it isn't the school or day cares responsibility to raise your children.
Maybe you will survive this and learn something to better the world.

The garden is happening despite Mother Nature.
The wind is so constant the ground is drying out without the heavy mulch and newspaper I use.

I use it because I am lazy and don't want to weed when it's 80+* out.
A side benefit is retaining moisture and lowering ground temperature though ;}~

I'll take any help I can get when it's too hot to care about weeding.
A double row of Blue Lake green beans are in the bare dirt in the middle row.
They will be mulched as usual after they show above ground.
The lower end is heavy in weed seeds so I am tarping it this year to try to get a handle on them.
Some rain over the next few days was expected but now it has been pushed back to Friday.
Hooked up the second well today on the other side of the greenhouse.
Hopefully we do get a nice soaking rain though .
There is nothing like it for germination and growth of plants.
Some sunshine is helpful too.


  1. I hope you were kidding about me making you feel bad, you silly girl! It's ALWAYS great to see a new post from you. And I know how busy you are; no one could ever call you a slacker. (And if they dared do so, I'd take 'em out just like that!)

    There are many in our society today who are used to (and feel entitled to) being taken care of and, sadly, have no idea how to take care of themselves. Turning your power like that over to others is a good way to lose a say in what's happening. Now that they are being told what they can and can't do, I'm thinking it's a very rude awakening for those folks.

    Your garden is looking good! What do you do with all those green beans? I know it's just the two of us sitting down to most meals here, but anymore I plant only an 8' row of green beans and an 8' row of yellow wax beans. And I always have bags to give away!

    We, too, need rain desperately. I've been watering my seeds and set out seedlings because I know they won't make it without the moisture.

    Now stop putting pressure on yourself to get more posts up. Even though I love seeing your pictures and reading what you write. (Tee-hee-hee.) Hugs, my friend.

    1. LOL MamaPea of course I was joking. You keep me on my toes though and I will try harder to post. It is good to have a plan or I'd get nothing done.
      The green beans are double rowed so about 50-60 ft since I didn't go all the way down with either row. I will freeze them after we eat our fill. LN will take some to college {if she goes back in the fall ?} and use for her meals also. I do not use the variety of veggies y'all do according to your posts. I also freeze large quantities in case next year is a dud. I froze a ton of corn last year and will do less this year. Same theory used in all my choices. This year I need tomatoes and green beans. I could eat green beans 3-4 times a week but my crew would revolt so I behave
      Hags back my friend.

  2. We are much more ahead on our garden, but we were slammed with rain last night. Hopefully we can resume tilling this weekend. Or even better before the weekend.

    1. Good Luck this weather is crazy. The wind blew so hard today it bend a broccoli plant over. I have never seen this before Kristina. 2020 is a pistol so far.
