Sunday, June 14, 2020

Let's see what's going on...

It'll be breeding season soon.
This is the year LN  & I needed new rams.
 This Lincoln Longwool hails from Illinois and is now a resident of Delaware.
I am sure our humidity and heat were a shock to him.
This picture is a horrible angle also.
He is a powerhouse in size. and has great wool.
Just goes to show certain camera angles are everything for slimming.
His name is George, he and Jack our other Lincoln ram are getting along surprisingly well.
Fingers crossed it continues this week when we bring a Border ram home.
Hopefully those 3 will be friends or at least tolerate of each other.


This is my pathetic first pea harvest.
There is more but not much although the few I have taste good.
Oh well, I knew I had compacted soil issues so it's time to work on them.
S's idiotic horse compacted the ground and it is a struggle to work it up like it needs.
I was given ideas from a crop analyst so I will be on it.
I need to not lose my cool (famous last words) this year and prepare better this fall.

I do have teeny, tiny yellow squash growing.
Fingers crossed ...
There is a zucchini growing also.
Why is it the things I could care less about grow and the things I love do not?

I am a little tore up on my legs.
The fence shown had a giant honeysuckle/blackberry/rosehedge mess that I tackled.
Still some larger cherry trees growing but I was beat in the 90* heat.

Rain is due this week a few days.
I mowed off the seed heads in 2 pastures hoping the rain will keep everything growing.
Summertimes fries the grasses in these 2 lots but I'm hoping the undergrowth will thrive with rain.
Saw 2 giant black snakes in the field.
Not cool, they know to stay hidden from me.
I do not like surprises.

This lil miss is loving her new/old pool when I watch her.
Z and R2 are buying R2's grandmom's house which has a 60 yr old 12 ft deep concrete pool.
They are rehabbing it and hoping their repairs hold.
Grandma (me) even swims with Miss A and I am teaching her to swim.
She's getting it pretty well.


  1. I can see you don't have much down time in any of your days. And boy, could we use some of your heat! Still way too cool here and I'm getting more and more concerned about some things being able to grow to maturity. But good thing you've got that pool to jump into with your little granddaughter! That pool may be 60 years old, but it looks just lovely.

    1. We could swap heat for cool MamaPea! I can haul a trailer up to you full of heat if you'll spare us some coolness please.
