Monday, June 8, 2020

Grrr worthless...

S's horse broke fence around the garden and wrecked havoc.
He ate all the lettuce off at the ground.
12 full ready to harvest heads.

It's the middle row you see above.
That was a week or so ago.
Happily they are trying to resurge.

Maybe I will get a decent salad before they bolt in the hot weather.

He trampled plants, ate plants and spread straw I use as mulch everywhere.
The electric is popping hard now.
His a*s is getting lit if he tries again.

No sympathy felt for him either.
He ate some onion stalks also which I thought was weird.
Some were knocked flat and out of the ground also.

In other gardening disasters my green beans (blue lake) have terrible germination.
I had to lay fence over the rows to prevent wild rabbits from eating the few that popped out.
Replant, replant, replant...

My 2020 gardening motto I suppose.

This is NOT a wild bunny though.
Miss A loves her Easter bunny.
This is second one as her cousins lab made off with the first as a snack.

Her Mama's Mother's Day gift was ferns .
Within first week she had a nest and now there are 5 eggs.
Not shown as Mama bird is protective as expected.

I for the life of me can not upload videos on Blogger.
Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
Miss A was helping R walk and wash her hogs and it was cute lil 8 sec video.
Take my word on it I guess.


  1. I feel your frustration. When things like that happen (horse in the garden) it is so maddening. All that garden work that you have to (mostly) do over to make things right again. Don't we have enough of a challenge with the weather each growing season so that we shouldn't have to deal with marauding animals (wild or domestic)?

    Am loving hearing about the things going on in your life, garden, animals, etc. Keep it up! :o)

    1. I'm trying MamaPea but it all seems so doom and gloom I do not want to post so much bad. Yesterday was a beautiful day weather wise though there is that 8~}

  2. I have had a terrible time getting seeds to germinate in the ground this year. After planting peas twice, I ended up starting them in newspaper pots on a heat mat and transplanting. No luck with carrots or lettuce and I saved time by just starting the green beans in pots. I also started all of my sunflowers this year in pots. I wonder if there is an issue with the seeds we bought?

    1. I do not know but you would think so. The small pop store I bought them from is very reliable so I don't think so but who knows. It's the 2020 curse I imagine. I am not even sure I ll put any sunflowers in the ground at this rate.

  3. We had to replant beans. Frustrating weather here. I hope we get rain soon.

    1. Rain is another issue. Feast or famine there. The second well we have is a God sent for sure. The well pump needing so much constant work is not but it seems changing out the bearing fixed it this time. Now to figure out the sprinkler issues or how to hook up my drip lines that all have breaks needing repairs. It's always something.
