Friday, March 12, 2021

And with that...

lambing is complete for this season.

A huge pull resulting in a massive ram lamb.

I needed help with this guy.

A friend a few miles away rescued me and him.

She is the calmest most patient person I know.

She worked the head through the tight 1st time ewes tissues while I pulled feet when needed.

After being in shock for 20-30 min both Mama and Lamb got up and bonded.

He has floppy ankles on the front but they will straighten within a day or so.

He stood and started to root .

This was yesterday afternoon about 4:00 pm.

It was in 60's which was a nice change. 

No concerns about the lamb freezing before being dried off.



  1. What a big, robust boy! Glad you had help you could call on.

    1. I called you MamaPea but guess you didn't me shout?? LOL oh well maybe another time.
