Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Oh well...

I am a bad blogger.

I am just not up to posting doom and gloom.

I have been reading everyone's' blogs and they give me angst and hope.

Some make me smile, some make me sad with constant negativity.

The ones that make me go hmmm.... always start out as...

"Although I am not one to judge" or "Not that it matters to me"

These posts remind me to not post if I can't be positive in general.

I know everyone has a bad day and needs to vent but not every time they post.

I have been deleting social media "friends" and followers as well as negative based blogs.

If I am going to stay upbeat I need like minded people. 

I am trying.

On the home front I am still plugging away.

Freedom is eminent although not scheduled.

The business is sold although not completely paid for.

The job is secure and going well so far.

The sheep are the stumbling block.

I really would like to maintain the genetics LN and I have climbed to.

I am culling but not ready to completely sell them all.

One stubborn ewe still needs to deliver but should in the next day or two.

Where to "board" them is an issue until I can find permanence.

Packing and purging are stalled out.

I fell on the ice a few weeks back and my back is a work in progress.

The week or so before that my right leg started hurting behind the knee area.

That is also progressing.

Some good days some bad.

Time is flying so time to tough it out.


  1. Don’t be in a big hurry to change your life completely.

    I still have 6 does 3 that are past breeding age and family group of 3 younger.

    I also have 2 of my bucks a 12 year old and a 10 year old his son. I keep them because their contribution genetically was/is priceless.
    Also because I have had many offspring from them. That represents a lot of productive animals with great lines . The odds of rehoming animals of this age is questionable. So I will keep them until they pass in return fir their years of service to us.

    Remember that your journey with the sheep is like mine with the goats. 36 years of my life my children were 11 and 7 when we began this venture. Memories galore both good and bad. It doesn’t mean you are living in the past. If it isn’t a financial hard ship it means in my mind the ultimate thank you for a life with livestock we gave stewardship to.

    Adorable lamb by the way.

    1. The only hiccup is finding a place I can keep them at while I transition. I am trying. Many thanks for the advice and support.

    2. How about some FFA or 4-H breeder who you can document to be reliable about their animals and what they’re doing and letting them have use of your ram or maybe a couple of Lamb’s gifted to them in exchange for letting them stay there of course you would be paying the Feed too but for their work that would be a nice shot in the arm for their project I would think. Hang in there it’s rough I know but it’ll get better it really well.

  2. Hang in there, girl. This, obviously, is a tough transition period for you and although you've got your kiddos supporting you, it must feel as though you're going it alone much of the time. I think we all have to have those tough times (granted some folks have rougher ones than others) before life surprises us with truly good things to come. It will happen for you because you're not someone to give up and will keep working until you do arrive in the new and much, much better phase of your life. Hugs.

    1. {Hugs} back MamaPea , thank you for all the support.

  3. Gosh, I think your wonderful and have a lot of guts. Keep it up!! Every thing works out eventually. Love the baby lambs! It was nice you had help with the baby. What a great neighbor. You take care and stay safe.xo

    1. She's a great friend and always available for help and support.
