Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I doubled my estimate on sheep sheared. 

I sheared 4 this morning since the heavens aligned and stars crossed. What??? You know what I mean anyway :-) I'll finish the rest tomorrow or Friday. I feel better knowing that's it for the year unless I want to shear hooks and pins to see marking crayons better. We'll see but that's not till August. 

1 looks thin , rest are fit but may need to add some hay to their diet. Their pens are chewed to nubs. 
Cleanup , cleanup everyone body do their share etc, etc. Oh wait it's all me :/ 


  1. Ah, the Barney song, ha ha! Looks like a bit of work there.

    1. Funtimes, funtimes Kristina. The ewes love me after just not during!
