Thursday, May 7, 2015

Horse and Hound?

Running out of creative titles so there ya go!
Horse - Mouse seems happy since we let him into small steer pen to graze. He has nevicular so too much causes lameness. We only let him in smaller areas but he's happy for any fresh grass/weeds over hay. Can't say I blame him.

Well Goose did cross into one flower picture so that covers that.
I went to LN's FFA school plant sale. I may have bought a lot as one member said.

This was taken after I hauled some to different beds .

This was where the lilac was torn out. I debated just seeding it with grass but LN gave me plant sale flyer and that was that. I put in a conglomeration of perennials and annuals. I'll see what survives. Still need to get load of mulch to spread but tomorrow is another day.

I filled in an area I tore gooseneck out of. I know it'll come back and I should pull all of it but not yet. I feel guilty destroying plants. This looks like a weed fest still but mulch will pretty it up. Hopefully I will be able to post pretty pictures in a month or two. 
Now to clean up remaining beds, garden sites, yard area , etc etc.


  1. Oh, that truckload of beautiful plants is a sight for my greenery starved eyes! A few more weeks before I can haul plants like that home to plant. We are SO far behind anyone else way up here near the tundra!

    When we lived in Illinois and each year my hubby asked me what I wanted for my birthday (which is the end of April), I always said MONEY! so I could buy loads and loads of annuals because that was the time they were ready to go in. I'll have to settle for seeing pictures of your blooms for a while yet!

    1. This was a gift to myself. Now if I can keep up with them. Wish me luck!

  2. That's some awfully pretty flowers. I hope to get a break in the veggie garden (and wood cutting) to get some zinnia seeds tossed down.

    1. I love Zinnias also. I refrained from more annuals but maybe next week hmmmm...

  3. oooh what a pretty picture of the truck bed full of flowers!

    1. Gotta brighten my life Erin. I've neglected my flower beds too long.
