Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Slow but Steady

Garden is going slowly. 
The ground is dry because of so many windy days with not much rain. My garden is in pasture field because an old trailer sat where my greenhouse is and thusly a well is there for just me :)  the well is not hooked up yet but I'm assured it will be within the next few days :/
I'm slowly getting there. The prep is the worst part I think. I've neglected the garden for most of 2 yrs so it's starting over time. The wind ripped a roof panel off my greenhouse which has mulberries and wild cherry trees growing around and actually a few in it. My fault totally but temper won out and I quit caring for reasons best left unsaid at this moment. Tada I'm back b*tches!
Sorry if that offends you but ... I think it sums up my life at the moment!
I stayed in garden for most of the day and tomorrow every injury on my body will be screaming at me. I got a row of beans, some tomatoes, and lettuce in the ground. I put down straw mulch (nicely rotted) around lettuce and tomatoes. Hopefully it holds weeds off a bit and helps keep soil moist as well.

The green beans are between my white row cover made of silage bag and old carpet beside tomatoes. Why not make walking areas as grass and weed free as possible. The rototiller barely starts and is old as the earth to boot so I don't rely on it.

Young lettuce plants beside greenhouse wall. I'm hoping the shade will keep them cool enough to get a harvest. The wall is facing north so is partial shady till afternoon. My other plants I haven't set in yet I put up against the wall before I quit for the day.

It was super windy today and 70* but I managed to lay weed block sheet out and buried the edges. I'll plant my watermelon, cantaloupe , squash, etc. on it.

My barn/garden/mowing grass/summer crappy slip on shoes. I prefer bare feet so kicked em off early on. No they are not crocs just cheap cheap cheap ones I've had for many years.

Pounding in the tpost and string the cattle panels was more fun than I needed today but it's done.

It's a start albeit a slow one. Now I have to stick with it. 


  1. Looks like you've made great progress on the garden! I agree with you in that the planting is not my favorite part, but it's the beginning and has to be done. You're going with a vengeance on the garden this year and I predict you're going to be very successful. Here? Heavy frost this morning. My salad greens under the cold frame have sprouted. Well, most of them.

    1. I'm stalked out with no water and dry crumbly soil. The well isn't working because the electric isn't working . Always something!

  2. I've never thought of old carpet to deter the weeds and make a nice walking area. Such a good idea! Garden looks great!

    1. I've used some of the carpet for 20 yrs. I laugh when I ask people if I can have their ripped out carpet. They think I'm nuts! Which I am certifiable!

  3. Yay for planting! Can't wait to see your garden grow!

    1. Boo for dry conditions already . Hopefully the well is up and running sooner than too late.
