Sunday, January 13, 2019

Multi tasking ?

It has been snowing since 10 Pm last night off and on.
We have 5 " so far of wet, heavy snow.
I believe it's tapering off so no big deal with it happening on Sat/Sunday.
Should be clear for tomorrows' work force commute.
Mine is 50 ft away in the barn.
Lucky girl I am.

I think I'll practice reading while knitting.
A hardship I know but a burden I'm willing to carry.


  1. We didn't get any snow, just very cold. There were flurries the other day, but didn't amount to anything. There hasn't been much snow at all so far this year. I hope i didn't speak too soon. The stockings look great. Very pretty color. Don't work to hard. What you do takes alot of energy! Take care!!

    1. Thanks Lynne, they are time consuming on dreary winter nights. This is our first snow. I hope it isn't our last.

  2. You work harder at your job than most people do that have a much longer "commute!"

    Reading while knitting? I could never manage that!

    1. It was a struggle to keep both pastimes going without missing a stitch or a paragraph. It was an experiment MamaPea. I do not have audio books and didnt want to watch TV at that time.

  3. Oh my, reading while knitting? I could not do that ha ha! We got 2 inches of snow, but the wind cause bad drifting.

    1. The wind is a kicker here as well Kristina. People who "plowed" their few inches too early woke up the next day to drifted driveways. Everyone is too quick to start clearing instead of letting the storm finish its business. I just wait it out.
